The different interaction formats create the basic structure of your event. The parameters you set here will dictate how teams and talents can interact on the platform.
Our five formats, Speeches, Sessions, Virtual Booths, and 1-1 Chats vary in their degree of interaction.
Step 4 - Configuring 1-1 Chats
Step 5 - Configuring Live Booths
Step 6 - Editing interaction formats
In the "Events" tab you will find your event overview. To create or edit the event structure go to the "Structure" tab in the "Event setup" section and click on "➕ Add format" in the top right corner.
Step 1 - Choose a format
First, choose the program format you would like to set up. You can read more about the four interaction formats here.
Step 2 - Configuring Speeches
To configure a slot for virtual or In-person Speeches, select the date, as well as the start time and end time.
Please note that you are not setting up an actual Speech itself in this step: The start time and end time indicate the time frame in which Speeches can take place.
If you are hosting a hybrid event, you will additionally have to select whether this format should be virtual or In-Person.
Next, define the format specifics. You can limit the number of participants and decide how many Speeches can be held at the same time.
"How long should the Speeches last" refers to the allowed duration for individual Speeches. You can choose durations starting from 10 minutes, while the maximum duration for a Speech is 240 minutes.
Step 3 - Configuring Sessions
Configuring a slot for a session is much like that of a speech. To configure a slot for virtual or In-person Sessions, select the date, as well as the start time and end time.
Please note that you are not setting up an actual Session itself: The start time and end time indicate the time frame in which Sessions can take place.
If you are hosting a hybrid event, you will additionally have to select whether this format should be virtual or In-Person.
Next, define the format specifics. You can limit the number of participants and decide how many Sessions can take place at the same time.
"How long should the Sessions last" refers to the allowed duration for individual Sessions. You can choose durations starting from 10 minutes, while the maximum duration for a Session is 240 minutes.
Step 4 - Configuring 1-1 Chats
To configure a slot for virtual or In-person 1-1 Chats, select the date, as well as the start time and end time. The start time and end time indicate the time window in which 1-1 Chats can take place.
Next, define the format specifics. "Duration of the Chat" refers to the allowed duration for individual 1-1 Chats. You can select multiple durations, ranging from 10 minutes to up to 240 minutes. If you do select multiple options, recruiters participating in the event will be able to choose all of those durations for each day of the event.
If you are hosting a hybrid event, you will additionally have to select whether this format should be virtual or In-Person.
Please note: it is not possible to host both virtual 1-1 Chats and In-person 1-1 Chats on the same day. If you are hosting a hybrid event with both virtual 1-1 chats and in person chats we recommend hosting these on seperate days.
Step 5 - Configuring Virtual Booths or In-person Booths
Setting up Virtual Booths and In-person Booths are much the same. Virtual Booths take place online and require recruiters to be logged into the platform to host the booth. In-person booth take place in on location at the event.
Setting up a Virtual Booth only requires you to select the date and time frame during which you want Virtual Booths to be available.
If you are hosting an in person event that has In-person Booths (or career fair stands) You will need to select In-person Booth, the date and a time frame.
If you are hosting a hybrid event you will need to select whether you booths will take place online or on location. If is possible to have both Virtual Booths or In-person Booths running at the same time.
Step 6 - Editing interaction formats
Once you set everything up, the "Structure" tab will now show all program slots you created. You can always come back to this tab to edit your interaction formats. To do so, simply click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the slot you would like to edit.
Please be aware that after selecting the format type "Virtual" or "In-person" for a hybrid event, this cannot be modified afterwards.
If you are hosting a hybrid event, and you have selected to have both online and offline 1-1 Chats, Speeches and Sessions and Virtual Booths, the structure will be displayed like this: