The schedule is where you get to put in the content of your event. Here you can set up specific program points for yourself or for the teams that are participating. Learn how to fill up your event schedule with Speeches and Sessions and monitor 1-1 Chats with the following steps.
Step 2 - Set up a Speech or Session
Step 3 - Viewing and editing your event schedule
In the "Events" tab you will find your event overview. Simply click on the event and select "Program points" on the left hand side of the screen. Then, click on "➕ Add program point" in the top right corner.
Step 1 - Select a host
First, decide who is going to host the program point. You can choose to allocate a program point to yourself by selecting "Event organizer", or to one of the participating companies by clicking on "Specific team". If you choose to make a specific team the host, you will have to select that team from the drop-down menu below. In order for a team to appear in the list.
Step 2 - Set up a Speech or Session
Next, decide whether you want to create a Speech or a Session.
You can read more on the differences between Speeches and Sessions here.
Once you have clicked on either "Speech" or "Session", a form for you to enter the details is going to open. This form looks exactly the same for Speeches and Sessions.
Here you can enter a title, image (min 98x98) and description for your Speech or Session. This is also where you set up the basic parameters. The box "Select Format" refers to choosing one of the slots you have created previously in the "Program Formats" tab, or you can select to make your Speech or Session "Not bound by event formats" as oppose to choosing a slot.
Then, select a date, start time and duration, as well as your preferred number of participants for that Speech or Session. If you do not want to add a limit for the number of participants, you can also set it to "Unlimited".
Step 3 - Viewing and editing your event schedule
In the "Program points" tab, you will now see an overview of all your program points.
By clicking on the 3 dots in the top right corner of a program point, you can edit the Speech or Session.
On the day of the live event, you can also join any program points here. Except for 1-1 Chats, as the organizer you are able to join any of the program points.