Find out how to create your personal profile, upload your photo and add a description about yourself here.
Option 1: Fill out your profile in the settings section
In the top navigation bar, hover over the icon with your initials and select "Settings" to complete your personal profile.
Step 1 - Go to Settings
In the "Settings" section, click on the "Edit" button just below your name.
Step 2 - Fill out your information
Next, simply fill in your personal profile with a picture, job title, location and a description. Make sure to click on "Update Information" to save any changes you have made.
Option 2 - Create or update your profile in the "Colleagues" tab
Upon logging in to the platform, go to the logo of your company in the top navigation bar.
Step 1 - Go to the Colleagues tab
Locate your profile in the "Colleagues" tab and click on the settings icon ⚙️on the right side of your profile.
Step 2 - Edit your profile
Click on "Edit Profile" in the top right corner.
Tip: In this section you also have the option to add yourself to, or remove yourself from events.