We compiled the most frequently asked questions organizers have about the talents participating in their events in this article.
1) Does every talent have their own profile?
2) Can talents upload their CVs?
3) Can I see an overview of all talents who registered for my event?
4) Can talents apply for jobs directly on Talentspace?
5) How can talents express their interest in a company to recruiters?
1) Does every talent have their own profile?
Every talent gets to create their own profile, which consists of extensive information on their professional and academic background, as well as their interests and values, etc. You can decide which parts of this information has to be provided by talents as part of the registration process. Once talents are registered and have entered the platform however, they are always able to fill out their entire profile information.
The more information talents provide, the higher their chances of showing up in the searches of recruiters. We therefore recommend that participants fill out their profiles completely and that you, as an organizer, emphasize the importance of doing so.
You can read more on talent profiles here.
2) Can talents upload their CVs?
Talents have the option to upload their CVs in a PDF document, which will then be visible in their profile and can be viewed and downloaded by recruiters (should you decide to give them access to the talent database). You can also choose to make uploading a CV a mandatory step in your registration process.
3) Can I see an overview of all talents who registered for my event?
The "Participants" tab of your event is going to show you all talents who have registered. If your event is set up to be "Application and Selection", all applicants will appear in the "Applications" tab, and you can accept or decline them. The participants overview also allows you to view their talent profiles, which provides detailed information on their background.
Read more about the participants overview here.
4) Can talents apply for jobs directly on Talentspace?
While jobs can be published and displayed directly on the platform, when a talent decides to apply, they will be redirected to the respective company's original job posting (for example on their website) and apply there.
5) How can talents express their interest in a company to recruiters?
When talents click "I'm Interested" on a particular company profile, they are being displayed in the talent database under the filter "Talents interested in my company", which is visible to recruiters. Recruiters can then reach out to those talents.