1-1 Chats are private scheduled chats between one talent and one recruiter. Depending on what your event organizer offers, 1-1 Chat requests can be initiated by both you and talents. Learn how to set up your availability, schedule, manage and conduct 1-1 Chats with the following steps.
Step 1 - Set up your availability
To be able to schedule 1-1 Chats, you have first to set up your availability. To do so, navigate to the "1-1 Chats" tab in the event.
Next, you will see an outline of all the days in the event that have 1-1 Chats available. For each day you have to select the duration of 1-1 Chats and the times you are not available. By default, all slots are selected as available, make sure to block the slots you do not want to be booked for 1-1 Chats.
Step 2 - Select your booking mode
In the next step, you have to select your booking mode and specify who you are looking for.
We provide two different booking modes you can choose from:
Selective booking
This mode allows you to have full control over who you will talk to in your 1-1 Chats. You will always have to accept (decline) each request before talents can book a 1-1 Chat in your calendar. Select this mode if you expect high demand for your chats or if you only want to talk to specific talents.
Direct booking
By choosing this mode, talents will have direct access to your calendar and will be able to directly book 1-1 Chats with you. You do not have to accept talents, but you will always have the option to cancel a chat once it's booked. Choose this mode if you experience low demand for your chats or you do not have specific talent requirements.
If you are looking for specific talents you have the option to specify your preferences. These fields are optional and will not automatically filter participants, but you can always fill them in if you are looking for a specific target group.
Step 3 - Mangage 1-1 Chats
Once you have configured your initial availability and booking mode you will see the central 1-1 Chat management view. This view looks slightly different depending on the selected booking mode.
Selective booking
When the selective booking is activated the view is split into two parts:
Request management
Here you can see all 1-1 Chat requests from talents. By clicking on reply you can either accept or decline the 1-1 Chat.
Calendar view
The calendar view is an overview of all the event days with 1-1 Chats. You can manage your availability by blocking/unblocking 1-1 Chat slots. Confirmed 1-1 Chats will show up here and you can join at the appointed time. By clicking on the three dots you can reschedule or cancel a confirmed chat (3).
Direct booking
If direct booking is enabled you will only see the calendar view because accepting requests is no longer necessary. Everything else stays the same.
By clicking on the "settings button" in the top right corner you can change the booking mode and customize your 1-1 Chat preferences.
Step 3 - Find and request talents
Once you have finished setting up your availability, you can start sending 1-1 Chat requests to talents. Navigate to the talents tab in the event to see a list of all event participants.
By clicking on the talent you can review the talent profile and download the CV. If you click "Request 1-1 Chat" you can invite the talents to a chat. The talent will receive a request to pick a time slot in your calendar.
As soon as you have sent the request the message and the context will show up in the talent profile. Once the slot is picked by the talent the chat will be confirmed.
Note, you can also see if a colleague of yours has a chat in scheduling with this talent.